Not Only Smart Working – Evolving Human Resources

Needless to say, pandemic scrambled plans in each existing business. However, when talking about human resources we tend to reconduct everything to smart working and home conference calls, when actually much more has changed in the last couple of years. Are these changes a response to the emergency only or would they have naturally happened anyway? 

New Roles

Even if in Italy job profiles such as pizza men seem to be a brand new experience that came to be because of Covid, we should take a trip down memory lane (or maybe just rewatch some US cult movies of the 90s) and acknowledge food delivery and its consequent regulation was already a sensitive issue for quite some time. 

If we exclude sanitising and temperature measuring designated workers, we cannot really say new job titles were invented from scratch. What should get our attention instead, is the reclassification and improvement of highly specialised figures, very much linked to the web: developers, consultants, technicians, marketing specialists, social media specialists and PR.  

In particular, it seems the perception towards these figures has changed radically: from accessory roles in small and medium-sized businesses before 2020 to crucial help in order to maintain stability and revenue during the crisis. 

Growing Business Fields

Younger generations are the ones who better responded to the whole emergency and the proof is in the pudding. From startups founded by young CEOs to innovation-driven firms, the new must-have in every business is a solid percentage of young employees with strong skills like dynamism, specialisation and self-management. It comes as no surprise to see the flourishing of business fields like food, logistics and again, everything tech-related, from design to e-commerce.

A New Way Of Recruiting

We cannot expect an evolution of this magnitude in job figures without considering a shift in the way we recruit employees too. Starting from CV collection and surveys, the selection process dives deep into details and gives great importance to the actual know-how and skills of the potential new recruits. 

In addition to the automatisation of all the recruiting paperwork, this is the golden age of social CVs and online recruiting. Nothing shocking really, considering we spend more time on social media now than ever before. But there is also an additional piece of the puzzle in modern recruiting: the inclusion of diversity in each staff. This gender-free and race-free judgement is the one tool HR management has to actually place meritocracy in the first place, even if we do know very well this is nothing but an uphill winding road. 

Touchless Skills

Managing new dynamic strategies requires the participation of a fully skilled staff that needs to be in touch with each other in order to learn and improve those skills. Human contact might be crucial for certain kinds of jobs, but for the most part, each business is adjusting to a touchless dimension made of online training and certifications, paperless evaluation surveys, video conference calls and online events.

The job transformation we are experiencing certainly hit the speed because of Covid, but the change would have happened naturally in any case even if a bit slower for sure. There hasn’t been an effective introduction of brand new job titles, only a much better understanding of the already existing innovative roles. 

Comprehensive Career Management

Thanks to Risorse Umane Project you can easily monitor and manage the career development of your employees, from the recruiting process to training, evaluation and compensation.

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