Energy Efficiency – In Charge with Adamantia Group

Since last autumn, energy efficiency has been one of the many social topics on the hot seat, making this issue more and more a financial one. Not that this comes as a surprise really, communities always worry when the financial status quo is shaken and if there is something we all have in common is the bills we pay. 

If on the one hand, the net zero goals seem way too far, the latest electricity market report made by the Milan Politecnico Institute gives us hope. So at least, even if we won’t stop being sceptical, we won’t be swinging on the edge of a cliff waiting for the wind to make us fall down.

An authentic tug of war that has to find its own balance: between increasing energy demand and the danger of producing it with no sustainable resources. So where does this leave us tech pros? We strongly believe we have the duty to show people how technology can be the key to avoiding collapse and making a problem a viable solution.

Our commitment

First of all, we wish to dispel the myth that we don’t have enough tools to fight climate change. Well, nobody has a magic wand able to reverse all the misery that industrialisation and a naive laissez-faire attitude have brought over the years to the hands of the new generations. What we do have though, is a technological power like never before strong, tested, in continuous development and most importantly easily accessible by everybody. 

As a tech company, we know that thanks to any ERP or HR software people can save tons of paper and avoid most non-necessary business travels. Of course, software needs hardware so it is crucial this is optimised at its best not only during its usage but at the beginning of the chain too. 

On the occasion of Earth Day the next 22nd of April, we would like to share with you our commitment in terms of ESG with the campaign In-Charge we created with Adamantia Group in collaboration with Dell Technologies.

We hope this can be inspiring to all those businesses who wish to adopt a lighter touch on our planet while saving precious resources to reinvest in a much more aware manner.

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